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Walking in animation - Printable Version

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Walking in animation - Infamous - 11.01.2011

If you remember in single player there were some burgalry missions where you would pickup tv's etc and then walk with them to the back of a truck.

I just want to know is it possible to recreate this?
I don't think it would be as accurate if it was done as i'm sure you can't walk freely when an animation is applied.


Re: Walking in animation - Lorenc_ - 11.01.2011

yea it is possible though idk how to make a progress bar like that noise bar >.>

Re: Walking in animation - Infamous - 11.01.2011

Ok fair enough, the bar isn't really an issue. Just thought I would ask before attempting something similar.

Thanks for your reply.

Re: Walking in animation - Lorenc_ - 11.01.2011

Well for the noise part you can like get something to detect if the players animation is running, else if hes walking
nothing happens

Re: Walking in animation - Infamous - 11.01.2011

That's a good idea, may beable to work with some keystates etc.

Re: Walking in animation - GBLTeam - 26.03.2011

btw is there fs for this?