unban -
dcrgn - 09.01.2011
I need unban commands but when unban can do only rcon admin.
Re: unban -
Vi3t102 - 09.01.2011
Is It your server
AW: unban -
Kmitska - 09.01.2011
You can make a normal command that is working like a rcon command
Re: unban -
dcrgn - 09.01.2011
yes but i need unban script
Re: unban -
iiLiamii - 09.01.2011
Originally Posted by dcrgn
yes but i need unban script
Please explain in order for me to help you.
Are you using a released script?
Re: unban -
dcrgn - 09.01.2011
Yes is use released script! I need only script for unban command.
Re: unban -
iiLiamii - 09.01.2011
Originally Posted by dcrgn
Yes is use released script! I need only script for unban command.
Okay, Does the script not contain an /unban or /unbanip cmd? Try those bud.
If not Ill find you some code
Re: unban -
Kwarde - 09.01.2011
RCON Command: unbanip.
So you can make this:
Make a command like /unbanip
the param has to be a string (cus it's an IP).
Then format this: " unbanip %s " - The %s is the IP (use format function)
And as last, use SendRconCommand(string); (string = string you used, the "unbanip %s")
I hope that this is clear. It's VERY easy to make a command like this
AW: unban -
Kmitska - 09.01.2011
Hey, try this:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/unban", true) == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 4)
new IP,tmp[285],string[285];
tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Usage: /unbanip <IP>");
IP = strval(tmp);
format(string,sizeof(string),"unbanip %s",IP);
} else {
Msg(playerid,COLOR_RED,"* You can not use this command !");
return 1;
Re: unban -
dcrgn - 10.01.2011
I have one error
C:\Documents and Settings\Rihards\My Documents\ha.pwn(2559) : warning 219: local variable "tmp" shadows a variable at a preceding level
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Warning.