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Checkpoints - GiS - 09.01.2011

How to create these red little circles for example for houses which aren't shown on the radar?

Re: Checkpoints - Alex_Valde - 09.01.2011

Originally Posted by GiS
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How to create these red little circles for example for houses which aren't shown on the radar?
Any example like pic or something?

Re: Checkpoints - XoX - 09.01.2011

If you mean that => /imageshack/i/samp002.jpg/

Re: Checkpoints - Vi3t102 - 09.01.2011

You Mean Like On The Map
You Know where Players Are
According to there name?
and houses

Re: Checkpoints - Alex_Valde - 09.01.2011

Originally Posted by XoX
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I think that's not it, because those are checkpoints and they are visible on map.

Re: Checkpoints - XoX - 09.01.2011

Then it might be an Object

Re: Checkpoints - GiS - 09.01.2011

Look in the video at the 23rd second. There you see such a checkpoint.

Re: Checkpoints - Alex_Valde - 09.01.2011

That's a Checkpoint (Dynamic) but you don't see it 'cause of that GreenHouse MapIcon.

Re: Checkpoints - GiS - 09.01.2011

Well, I want to start making a (little) Housesystem for my gamemode and I only want such checkpoints at each door, where I've set up a house. So how can I create such a checkpoint?

Re: Checkpoints - Alex_Valde - 09.01.2011

I'm not sure will they be shown on your map but you can try do it dynamically.

Download this: Streamer and play around with it's function and see what you can do.