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Weird errors: ShowPlayerDialog - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Weird errors: ShowPlayerDialog - Lorrden - 09.01.2011

pawn Код:
//This is the line
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Hello","You Look pretty dumb", "Huh?", "STFU!");
And this is the errors/warnings:
error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
warning 215: expression has no effect
warning 215: expression has no effect
warning 215: expression has no effect
warning 215: expression has no effect
warning 215: expression has no effect
error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Error 001 usually means that I've forgot to put an ")" or ";" at one or more lines above... But this time it's all perfect... I can't find the f*cking part that's wrong.

Help would be very appriciated.
~ Lorrden

Re: Weird errors: ShowPlayerDialog - Luis- - 09.01.2011

Were are you using it as it works fine for me?

Re: Weird errors: ShowPlayerDialog - Kwarde - 09.01.2011

Hmm. Can you post some more codes? Maybe you forgot it somwhere else, or there's something with brackets.

Re: Weird errors: ShowPlayerDialog - Scenario - 09.01.2011

It must be an error with the above code. Sometimes it does that to me as well, but with different functions.

Re: Weird errors: ShowPlayerDialog - Lorrden - 09.01.2011

pawn Код:
else if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER)
        if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Registration",
        "{FFFFFF}You forgot to enter a {FF0000}Password{FFFFFF}.\nYou have to do this in order to play on {FF0000}Fort Carson Ultimate Freeroam{FFFFFF}.",
        "Register", "Quit");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, FAIL,"[ERROR]{FFFFFF}: You canceled the registration and was therefore Auto-Kicked from {FF0000}Fort Carson Ultimate Freeroam{FFFFFF}. Feel free to come back!");
            return Kick(playerid);
        if(udb_Create(PlayerName(playerid), inputtext))
            PlayerInfo[playerid][RegTut] = 1;
            return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGTUT_1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Hello","You Look pretty dumb", "Huh?", "STFU!"); //This is the error line.
SOLVED: I forgot to add a number to the define