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Getting tired of this. - Printable Version

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Getting tired of this. - bartje01 - 08.01.2011

Hey guys. I want to make a simple DCMD cmd.

How can this be wrong? XD

pawn Код:
dcmd_setfun(playerid, params[])
    if (sscanf(params, "ud", id, amount)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Usage: /setfun playerid amount");
    else if (id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Player not found");
        funpoints[id] = amount;
        SendClientMessage(iplayerid, 0xFF0000AA,"you've setted funpoints");
        SendClientMessage(id, 0x00FF00AA, "your funpoints are setted");
    return 1;
I really don't see the problem

It just has almost no effect.

Re: Getting tired of this. - Joe Staff - 08.01.2011

What errors are you getting?
Also you misspelledplayerid on your second to last sendclientmessage

Re: Getting tired of this. - bartje01 - 08.01.2011

Oh yea I noticed that I already fixed the playerid misspell. But I've got no errors.

But the return client message to say that's a wrong ID doesn't work

And the funpoints don't getting add

Re: Getting tired of this. - Joe Staff - 08.01.2011


Re: Getting tired of this. - [03]Garsino - 08.01.2011

pawn Код:
dcmd_setfun(playerid, params[])
    new id, amount;
    if(sscanf(params, "ud", id, amount)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Usage: /setfun playerid amount");
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Player not found");
        funpoints[id] = amount;
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA,"you've setted funpoints");
        SendClientMessage(id, 0x00FF00AA, "your funpoints are setted");
    return 1;

Re: Getting tired of this. - Lorenc_ - 08.01.2011

pawn Код:
funpoints[id] = strval(amount);
Forgive me if im wrong D:

Re: Getting tired of this. - bartje01 - 08.01.2011

Now the onlyy problem is that the funpoints aren't setted.

Re: Getting tired of this. - MadeMan - 08.01.2011

How do you check it?

Re: Getting tired of this. - Sergei - 08.01.2011

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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pawn Код:
funpoints[id] = strval(amount);
Forgive me if im wrong D:
Why do you even post if you don't know what you are doing

Re: Getting tired of this. - bartje01 - 08.01.2011

It's just this:

new funpoints[MAX_PLAYERS];

funpoints[id] = amount;