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SetVehicleNumberPlate problem and one other thing - Printable Version

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SetVehicleNumberPlate problem and one other thing - r0v3r - 08.01.2011

So here is what I use for setting license plates to owned vehicles only

new licstring [ 128 ], string [ 128 ];
						format(licstring, sizeof(licstring),"RX %d", Player[playerid][LicensePlate1]);
						SetVehicleNumberPlate( veh1id, licstring);
						SetVehicleToRespawn( veh1id );
						format( string, sizeof( string ), "Plates/%s.ini", licstring);
						dini_Create( string);
						dini_Set( string, "Owner", Player[playerid][NormalName]);
It's under the function when the owned car is being spawned. It should work because it used to work before, but after changing hosts it no longer works.

Another thing

I want to make a command so when a PD officer types /checklicenseplate and the plate he gets the name of the person owning this car. That's why the last 3 lines are in here. Here's what i've done so far.

command(checklicenseplate, playerid, params[])
	new Plate[ 128 ], string[ 128 ], string2[ 128 ];
	if( sscanf( params, "z", Plate) )
		if(Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 1 && Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 4)
			SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /checklicenseplate [plate]" );
        if(Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 1 && Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 4)
            format( string2, sizeof( string2), "Plates/%s.ini", Plate);
            if(fexist( string2) )
                if(dini_Int( string2, "Owner" ) == Player[playerid][NormalName])
					SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "There is no point of checking yourself" );
				    format( string, sizeof( string ), "Owner: %s", dini_Int( string2, "Owner" ));
				    SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, string );
Please I need your help