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wierd stringsize? - Printable Version

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wierd stringsize? - KaleOtter - 07.01.2011


When I send a message like this:
SendClientOOCMessage(playerid,"Hand it over to somebody[{FFCC33}/givesuitcase{CCFFCC}]. Deposit it to your bank account[{FFCC33}/depositsuitcase{CCFFCC}].");
The message doesn't show up ingame because the string is to short, here i show you my sendclientOOCmessage public:

forward SendClientOOCMessage(playerid,text[]);
public SendClientOOCMessageToAll(color[],text[])
	for(new playerid = 0; playerid < MaxPlayers; playerid++)
		    format(pS[String],StringSize,"{FFFFFF}[OOC]{CCFFCC} %s",text);
	return 1;
The StringSize = 256. I already tried to set it higher but still it won't show up.
When I use the normal SendClientMessage it shows up...