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SA-MP Freeze - Printable Version

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SA-MP Freeze - Amrott - 06.01.2011

Hello, sometimes I got problems with SA-MP. When I launch server browser, it's all okay, but when I choose a server and launch, I just see "SanAndreas Multiplayer" and everything freezes. I can't minimalize or use task manager to turn it off. 1 time this froze everything on my computer, i couldn't even turn my computer off or reset! Please fix that problem ASAP. (Sorry for my bad/very bad english)

Re: SA-MP Freeze - Don Limito - 06.01.2011

I think it's a client crash which your computer can't handle. If you have any mods installed try uninstalling them.

Re: SA-MP Freeze - Amrott - 06.01.2011

No it's not that. I NEVER had any mods, i got original GTA: SA. There is no crash report, only SAMP freezes and i need to reset my computer.