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[Map] "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Printable Version

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"City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 04.01.2011

City Hall Gang Place New Version V1.0

New Version V1

Comments do not cost money :]

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Yamoo - 04.01.2011

I believe it'll be a good place for a homeless faction (Beggers and ectera)

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 04.01.2011

Lol how nice you

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Marty_Alex - 04.01.2011

Great work nice mapping 8/10

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 04.01.2011

Thanks :]

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - ToPhrESH - 04.01.2011

This looks like a basic map. Nice effort though ..

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - admantis - 04.01.2011


Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 04.01.2011

today next release of "city hall" gang place v.1.0

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Aekzakis - 04.01.2011

hmmm...good work!

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - bijoyekuza - 05.01.2011

I made A gang zone at this position too.
Ok so this is aswome but aaa dude ....
if you go in the sewers you will notice that the objects are like entering the grund...
here is a picture

try to fix it

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Haydz - 05.01.2011

The map looks cool, 8/10 well done.

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 05.01.2011

Originally Posted by bijoyekuza
Посмотреть сообщение
I made A gang zone at this position too.
Ok so this is aswome but aaa dude ....
if you go in the sewers you will notice that the objects are like entering the grund...
here is a picture

try to fix it
okay i fix it now :] thanks you

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 05.01.2011

V1.0 relese is here :]
fix some objects ..and add some objects

CreateObject(6046, 1304.4176025391, -1750.2954101563, 13.411808013916, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(972, 1849.0308837891, -1059.9710693359, 22.82834815979, 0, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(13696, 1353.3349609375, -1643.625, 10.428424835205, 0, 0, 270);
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CreateObject(11501, 1381.94921875, -1660.8466796875, 12.372096061707, 0, 0, 180);
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CreateObject(3594, 1391.4202880859, -1646.5017089844, 13.004824638367, 0, 0, 94);
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CreateObject(3461, 1392.7077636719, -1646.7470703125, 11.400098800659, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3461, 1389.6032714844, -1647.0219726563, 11.690415382385, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1490, 1377.6550292969, -1661.1872558594, 14.218504905701, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1498, 1361.7208251953, -1655.6337890625, 13.434757232666, 0, 0, 270.75);
CreateObject(2628, 1366.8524169922, -1632.4725341797, 12.3828125, 0, 0, 310);
CreateObject(2629, 1366.8621826172, -1634.9971923828, 12.3828125, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(643, 1360.541015625, -1633.9296875, 12.853283882141, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1728, 1377.1922607422, -1659.0548095703, 12.3828125, 0, 0, 270.5);
CreateObject(3749, 1420.8288574219, -1648.6452636719, 18.383796691895, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(8399, 1345.9436035156, -1672.9554443359, 17.254096984863, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(946, 1376.6851806641, -1664.8647460938, 14.562088012695, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3409, 1355.6995849609, -1628.8470458984, 12.623366355896, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3877, 1354.9113769531, -1631.458984375, 15.566497802734, 315.25045776367, 179.64794921875, 179.50207519531);
CreateObject(2901, 1358.0827636719, -1628.1081542969, 12.94516658783, 0, 0, 266);
CreateObject(5821, 1360.638671875, -1640.6037597656, 12.825666427612, 0, 0, 179.25);
CreateObject(643, 1351.0875244141, -1647.8596191406, 17.297061920166, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(643, 1355.9741210938, -1647.4752197266, 17.297061920166, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(16001, 1352.6268310547, -1640.8717041016, 16.826370239258, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3461, 1355.1215820313, -1635.9221191406, 18.401382446289, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3461, 1355.1245117188, -1645.8251953125, 18.40160369873, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6865, 1424.099609375, -1649.1862792969, 19.69718170166, 14.511535644531, 345.01110839844, 137.08819580078);
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CreateObject(3525, 1420.8770751953, -1654.3055419922, 16.502157211304, 0, 0, 182);
CreateObject(3525, 1364.8624267578, -1673.3409423828, 15.930638313293, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3029, 1364.5631103516, -1674.2624511719, 12.506307601929, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2780, 1417.1673583984, -1655.7703857422, 6.7870864868164, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3594, 1417.2130126953, -1655.7946777344, 13.178051948547, 0, 0, 182);
CreateObject(3593, 1398.3192138672, -1652.5783691406, 13.086554527283, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(3029, 1374.9460449219, -1640.5290527344, 12.929433822632, 0, 0, 269.5);
CreateObject(16310, 1361.4860839844, -1642.2482910156, 6.6829977035522, 0, 0, 358.75);
CreateObject(16310, 1361.5592041016, -1633.3122558594, 6.684371471405, 0, 0, 0);

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - bijoyekuza - 05.01.2011

Very Nice

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - Vlad_Riabov - 05.01.2011

Originally Posted by bijoyekuza
Посмотреть сообщение
Very Nice
Thanks :]

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - TheYoungCapone - 07.01.2011

Originally Posted by bijoyekuza
Посмотреть сообщение
I made A gang zone at this position too.
Ok so this is aswome but aaa dude ....
if you go in the sewers you will notice that the objects are like entering the grund...
here is a picture

try to fix it
LOL whats wrong with your screenshot xD

Re: "City Hall" Gang Place (Good for RP) - DevinPatino - 09.05.2015

unrealistic, but aye good mapping skills you got the skills try something else maybe remove the buildings behide pizza stack and add something there? Would like to see something like that from you intill then. +rep for your efforts.