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How this?? Dialog problem - Printable Version

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How this?? Dialog problem - Brian_McCarthy - 02.01.2011

hi i created a dialog system and need help..i want wen player buy something then he recieve health..example... player health is less than 100 then he buy Coke then it add +15 to player health and i also have problem with getplayerinterior i want dialog to appear only in interior 10 but fail and is there way to make code much shorter for usage? me america!!!!??

pawn Код:
    new listitems[] = "{FFFFFF}$12\t{55EE55}Candy\n{FFFFFF}$20\t{55EE55}Hotdog\n{FFFFFF}$15    \t{55EE55}Softdrink\n{FFFFFF}$25\t{55EE55}Coke\n{FFFFFF}$150\t{55EE55}Bubblegum";
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"List of Items",listitems,"Buy","Exit");
    return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == 2){
    if(listitem == 0){
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 12){
    SendClientMessage(playerid, grey, "INFO: Bought a candy");}
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Not enough money to buy this product");}
    if(listitem == 1){
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 20){
    SendClientMessage(playerid, grey, "INFO: Bought a hotdog");}
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Not enough money to buy this product");}
    if(listitem == 2){
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 15){
    SendClientMessage(playerid, grey, "INFO: Bought Softdrink");}
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Not enough money to buy this product");}
    if(listitem == 3){
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 25){
    SendClientMessage(playerid, grey, "INFO: Bought a Coke in Can");}
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Not enough money to buy this beverage");}
    if(listitem == 4){
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 150){
    SendClientMessage(playerid, grey, "INFO: Bought a bubblegum");}
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Not enough money to buy this product");}
    return 1;

Re: How this?? Dialog problem - JamesC - 02.01.2011

pawn Код:
stock GivePlayerHealth( playerid, Float: health )
    new Float: curHealth, Float: totHealth;
    GetPlayerHealth( playerid, curHealth );
    totHealth = health + curHealth;

    if( totHealth > 100.0 )
        SetPlayerHealth( playerid, 100.0 );
        SetPlayerHealth( playerid, totHealth );
    return 1;
pawn Код:
if( GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) == 10 )
pawn Код:
switch( listitem )
    case 0: {


    case 1: {


Re: How this?? Dialog problem - Brian_McCarthy - 02.01.2011

thank you america but wait where to put this??

pawn Код:
if( GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) == 10 )
pawn Код:
switch( listitem ){    case 0: {    }    case 1: {    }}
can you put whole code?? :S