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Bot Arresting - Printable Version

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Bot Arresting - Fine Destroyer - 01.01.2011

Hi men!

I have one question. I want to set bot who can arresting. Like, you are wanted, and when you close to bot, you are arrested and go to jail.

How to do it?

Re: Bot Arresting - 06leachr - 01.01.2011

Have you got any NPC system in at all?

Re: Bot Arresting - Hudgens - 01.01.2011

You mean, the bot chases the most wanted? Don't think it's possible or I dunno will be hard as shit.

Re: Bot Arresting - Darklom - 01.01.2011

Not possible.

Re: Bot Arresting - Retardedwolf - 01.01.2011

Originally Posted by Darklom
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Not possible.
As impossible as your gamemode is, Yes it is possible.