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Regarding cutsom functions - Printable Version

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Regarding cutsom functions - OldDirtyBastard - 31.12.2010

Hi, i wanna ask, when i wanna make a cutsom function, is there any diffrence when i make it like:

pawn Код:
    return 1;

pawn Код:
stock myfunction(playerid)
    return 1;

pawn Код:
forward myfucntion(playerid);
public myfunction(playerid)
    return 1;

Re: Regarding cutsom functions - MadeMan - 31.12.2010

stock doesn't give a warning when you don't use that function.

public functions can be used with SetTimer and CallRemoteFunction.

Re: Regarding cutsom functions - OldDirtyBastard - 31.12.2010

Originally Posted by MadeMan
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stock doesn't give a warning when you don't use that function.

public functions can be used with SetTimer and CallRemoteFunction.
Ah, thanks, explained alot, thank you.