New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine - Printable Version
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New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
Stas92 - 31.12.2010
Hey Guys,
I am trying to add the new functions to my script, but it doesn't work at all.
For example: How can I detect the engine state?
switch(Motor[veh]) {
case 0: motortext = "Off";
case 1: motortext = "On";
But that doesn't work:
new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
switch(engine) {
case VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF: motortext = "Off";
case VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON: motortext = "On";
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
DVDK - 31.12.2010
You cannot use = "text"; for a string, you've got to use a format.
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
Vince - 31.12.2010
You can perfectly assign a string with a '=' sign.
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
Stas92 - 31.12.2010
I can use = for a text without format, that works in the first method. But not in the second.
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
legodude - 01.01.2011
try to work with brackets and after a quik look i saw u didnt have the : after thee case
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
Sledge - 01.01.2011
Use Variables.
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
Joe Staff - 01.01.2011
You can always to do a quickieconditional
pawn Код:
format(tmp,32,"You turned the engine %s",(motorstate)?("on"):("off"));
No need for such a short switch
Re: New Veh-Functions: Detect Engine -
Stas92 - 01.01.2011
But sometimes i need a conditional, ... for example on OnPlayerKeyStateChange() ... how to use it there?
Edit: I guess this is the way how to solve the problem: