Ideas for /stats command? - Printable Version
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Ideas for /stats command? -
DarrenReeder - 30.12.2010
Im not sure what i should do for my /stats command on a RP script i am developing (Medium/stric RP if that matters)...
Dialog box or SendclientMessage ?? I am just wondering what people prefer and what whether dialog boxes would even work for showing stats of a player..
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
Infamous - 30.12.2010
You could use 'DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX' to display a list of stats.
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
DarrenReeder - 30.12.2010
Yeah i know but do people prefer the dialog box method or the classic sendclientmessage method?
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
Infamous - 30.12.2010
Well I prefer dialogs, it leaves player chat undisturbed. Can be rather annoying for players when they have to scroll up and down on the chat.
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
Elorreli - 30.12.2010
Displaying it with text is more comfortable if they want to view their stats while driving or such, a messagebox would cover up a part of their screen, might be irritating.
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
DarrenReeder - 30.12.2010
Yeah Elorreli, thats what i was thinking...
mhm, i think i will just make dialog boxes and maybe make a option to change it to chat box in the future...
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
Toreno - 30.12.2010
Originally Posted by Elorreli
Displaying it with text is more comfortable if they want to view their stats while driving or such, a messagebox would cover up a part of their screen, might be irritating.
You should display it with a SendClientMessage(); function, better then a msgbox dialog.
espically for Roleplay server, have fun.
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
blackwave - 30.12.2010
On samp should be created an specific menu, looking likes the common one, but on the left or right corner of screen. Since use on SendClientMessage, and other player talks, it'd gone. With MSGBOX, as elorelli said, would block part of screen viewing.
Re: Ideas for /stats command? -
Retardedwolf - 30.12.2010
A textdraw in the middle of the screen with a light textdraw box and white text which could be disabled by pressing MMB or something.