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Hello.. Need help. - Printable Version

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Hello.. Need help. - trapped1 - 28.12.2010

Hello every one I need help about one cmd....

if(!strcmp(cmdtext,"/giverespect", true,2))
       if(!strlen(cmdtext[2])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAFAFAFAA, "USAGE: /giverespect");
       if(gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_GROVE) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAFAFAFAA, "You can't use this command !");

       if(playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 1);
       GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
       format(string, sizeof(string), "* *Groove [%s]: %s,", playername, cmdtext[2]);
       for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
       return 1;
This command need to give team mate +1 respect. How to do that...

Re: Hello.. Need help. - _rAped - 28.12.2010

I'm not really sure why you got the foreach and the format there?

Edit: When a player types /giverespect, all the member of TEAM_GROVE will get +1 score?

Re: Hello.. Need help. - blackwave - 28.12.2010

use dcmd or sscanf. Easiest way.

Re: Hello.. Need help. - MadeMan - 28.12.2010

Re: Hello.. Need help. - trapped1 - 28.12.2010

thanks yeah I needed Player gives +1 respect point to player..

Re: Hello.. Need help. - _rAped - 28.12.2010

Originally Posted by trapped1
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thanks yeah I needed Player gives +1 respect point to player..
Aha. So I guess you got this sorted then?

Re: Hello.. Need help. - trapped1 - 28.12.2010

Yes.. Just its not working how I was imaged and ye....