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Timers problem [Urgent, help me please] - Printable Version

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Timers problem [Urgent, help me please] - Pooh7 - 27.12.2010


2 hours ago, I was opened my server for public.
No one timer doesn't work!!! Just not starting...
I'm using SetTimerEx for players.. Example of one timer:
pawn Код:
minustimer = SetTimerEx("MinusSakrij", 5000, false, "d", playerid);
I have command for server turn off, and every timer be killed when i turn off my server.

Please help me, players can't play!

Thank you

Re: Timers problem [Urgent, help me please] - MadeMan - 27.12.2010

Try setting false to true.

Re: Timers problem [Urgent, help me please] - Jochemd - 27.12.2010

Are you sure it's not server lag?

Re: Timers problem [Urgent, help me please] - Pooh7 - 27.12.2010

Yes, I'm sure, because timers don't start every time.. Just don't start :S