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2 questions - Printable Version

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2 questions - Baboon - 27.12.2010

question 1:

How can I disable someone to respawn after the request class? So this guy will stay with the class requesting. (It is for my balancer).

question 2:

Is there a filterscript to attach objects to the vehicle for the 0.3c version? I mean like is there a script to configure where objects should be attached to the vehicle? Something like the filterscript to add a weapon to someones back and where you exactly want it etc..

Re: 2 questions - Anthonyx3' - 27.12.2010

Do you current use
pawn Код:
if yes, remove it.

For FS, check the FS section.

Re: 2 questions - Baboon - 27.12.2010

>.> Ofcourse I dont use that. You don't know what I mean right? Aboat that fs thingy, I looked, couldnt find anything...

Aboat question 1.

I mean like: disable spawning, when you selected a team in the requestion class place.