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Need help about respec system.. - Printable Version

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Need help about respect system.. - trapped1 - 27.12.2010

Hello and good morning.

I want to know how to make /giveresect system.

if player says "/giverespect [player id]" it gives player +1 respect point.. How to do that?

And one more thing how can I make PlayerInArea but in my script PenInArea it's only a example

public PenInArea()
		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
		if(gPublicEnemy != 255)
			GetPlayerPos(gPublicEnemy, x, y, z);
				new house = PlayerInfo[gPublicEnemy][pLocal];
				GameTextForPlayer(gPublicEnemy, "~w~There is nowhere to hide", 5000, 1);
				PlayerInfo[gPublicEnemy][pInt] = 0;
				PlayerInfo[gPublicEnemy][pLocal] = 255;
				if(house > 99 && house != 255)
					SetPlayerPos(gPublicEnemy, BizzInfo[house-99][bEntrancex], BizzInfo[house-99][bEntrancey],BizzInfo[house-99][bEntrancez]); // Warp the player
				else if(house < 99 && house != 255)
					SetPlayerPos(gPublicEnemy, HouseInfo[house][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[house][hEntrancey],HouseInfo[house][hEntrancez]); // Warp the player
					SetPlayerPos(gPublicEnemy, 1350.1,-1279.1,13.3); // Warp the player to amunation
			if(z <= -0.5)
				GameTextForPlayer(gPublicEnemy, "~w~Public Enemy Can Not Swim", 5000, 1);
			if(x == PenPos[0] && y == PenPos[1] && z == PenPos[2])
				for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
					if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && gTeam[i] == 2 && CrimInRange(5.0, gPublicEnemy,i))
						SetPlayerHealth(gPublicEnemy, 0.0);
						OnPlayerDeath(gPublicEnemy, i, 0);
			PenPos[0] = x ;PenPos[1]= y;PenPos[2]= z;
		return 1;
I need just to add a player message when he is in the zone "This is blablabla territory".

Thanks for your replies and your time your trapped.