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Unable to spawn correctly. - Printable Version

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Unable to spawn correctly. - jameskmonger - 26.12.2010

I've got this code (It's in the right place)
			if(listitem == 0) {
				pInfo[playerid][spawnX] = -2336.1174;
				pInfo[playerid][spawnY] = 2292.6160;
				pInfo[playerid][spawnZ] = 4.9844;//Boat
				printf("X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f", pInfo[playerid][spawnX], pInfo[playerid][spawnY], pInfo[playerid][spawnZ]);
				SetPlayerPos(playerid, pInfo[playerid][spawnX], pInfo[playerid][spawnY], pInfo[playerid][spawnZ]);
And when they select listitem 0, this is printed out:

X: -2336.117431, Y: 2292.615966, Z: 4.984399

Yet I get told to "stay inside the world boundaries" and my game freezes.

This is what is saved to my character file, also:

Re: Unable to spawn correctly. - Calgon - 26.12.2010

Originally Posted by FireCat
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Very uneficient code.
pawn Код:
pInfo[playerid][spawnX] = -2336.1174;
pInfo[playerid][spawnY] = 2292.6160;
pInfo[playerid][spawnZ] = 4.9844;//Boat
printf("X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f", pInfo[playerid][spawnX], pInfo[playerid][spawnY], pInfo[playerid][spawnZ]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid,-2336.1174, 2292.6160, 4.9844);
How can you talk about inefficiency when you can't even spell inefficient properly?

Even so, that's not inefficient at all. You have no clue about what you're saying.

Re: Unable to spawn correctly. - TopAz07 - 26.12.2010

Originally Posted by Calgon
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How can you talk about inefficiency when you can't even spell inefficient properly?

Even so, that's not inefficient at all. You have no clue about what you're saying.
great. lolz

Re: Unable to spawn correctly. - jameskmonger - 26.12.2010

Oh Calgon, so much love for you.
But does anyone have any ideas?

Re: Unable to spawn correctly. - jameskmonger - 26.12.2010

I may as well retrieve it from the var, that way there can be no mistakes.

Re: Unable to spawn correctly. - Calgon - 26.12.2010

Originally Posted by FireCat
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What? He is retrieving a float from a var, when he can simple retriev from a function.
And yes i do have a clue of what im talking about.
And for your info im from portugal its normal i dont speak english very well!
So, call that 0.0001 MS slower? I assume he did it for testing anyway and so he could set their position in OnPlayerSpawn like I instructed him to do so on MSN.

No, I know several people from your country who have flawless English grammar.

Re: Unable to spawn correctly. - jameskmonger - 26.12.2010

Yes, Calgon, I am going to load it via OnPlayerSpawn, I just want to deduce where the problem is.