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[Map] Cabin Fever - Printable Version

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Cabin Fever - Ninaxer - 25.12.2010

This map good for zombie servers. So comment and rate

Video :


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CreateObject(1738, -1637.6654052734, -2241.6899414063, 31.131193161011, 0, 0, 92.25);
CreateObject(1738, -1628.6578369141, -2239.3142089844, 31.131193161011, 0, 0, 92.246704101563);
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/CabinFever", true) == 0)
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1632.4708,-2238.9500,31.4766);
        SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFA2B25AA,"Welcome to Cabin Fever!");
        return 1;

Re: Cabin Fever - Infamous - 25.12.2010

Not bad mate, you got the creepy look right. :P

Re: Cabin Fever - Guest3598475934857938411 - 25.12.2010

Love the map.

Re: Cabin Fever - Ninaxer - 25.12.2010

Originally Posted by expertprogrammer
View Post
Love the map.

Re: Cabin Fever - Sweet_Mafia™ - 25.12.2010

Holy smokes, this looks exactly like the one of combat arms, next time try to put in the second floor, btw, me and my friend are working on hosting a deathmatching server based of of combat arms, and are working on combat arms maps for sa-mp. Wana join the team? you can see out big assmoving rocket with 70 objects to :P

Re: Cabin Fever - Ninaxer - 25.12.2010

Originally Posted by Sweet_Mafia™
View Post
Holy smokes, this looks exactly like the one of combat arms, next time try to put in the second floor, btw, me and my friend are working on hosting a deathmatching server based of of combat arms, and are working on combat arms maps for sa-mp. Wana join the team? you can see out big assmoving rocket with 70 objects to :P
Yeah i play Combat Arms in europe xD
So add me to skype : sa-mp921 or read PM
Cause i want join to Combat Arms mappers to samp

Re: Cabin Fever - Captain Price - 28.12.2010

Me too playing Combat arms!
but im not really CA mapper!
i'm CA weapon builder!