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Dialog Strings come as ********* - Printable Version

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Dialog Strings come as ********* - Sledge - 25.12.2010

Okay, guys, so I have a dialog and the strings come out as ******. Any suggestions?

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Haydz - 25.12.2010

Nobody can really help without a code,would you care to post you code for me/others?

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Sledge - 25.12.2010

It's a bit long....

so, I got a string, and this string saves into a players profile. Example:
format(string, sizeof(string), "Player Warrant: %s", PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarrantReason]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1111111, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, string, "OKAY", "OKAY");

And it comes out as
Player Warrant: ****************

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Haydz - 25.12.2010

Is player warrant a number?

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Sledge - 25.12.2010

No. It's properly saved too.

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Haydz - 25.12.2010

Ahk, i can't be much help then, all i can really say is make sure you have new string blah, and try changing the dialog id to a smaller number. Sorry i couldn't be much help.

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Sledge - 25.12.2010

Did you just post 4 posts or so of "useless crap"?

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Haydz - 25.12.2010

Wow, sorry for trying to help man..

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - iggy1 - 25.12.2010

Show where you initialise/format the "PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarrantReason]" variable.

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Sledge - 25.12.2010

format(var, 32, "Crime1=%s\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrime1]);fwrite(hFile, var);

Re: Dialog Strings come as ********* - Sledge - 25.12.2010

strmid(PlayerInfo[gid][pCrime1], inputtext, 0, strlen(inputtext), 255);