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[Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Printable Version

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[Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Petertjuhh360 - 23.12.2010


I have SA-MP 0.3b on my VPS.
If i start it with ./samp03svr & it works great, put if i close the SSH client (PuTTy) then the server shutdown.
How can i fix it?

Re: [Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Lady Cucumber - 23.12.2010

Maybe run the server with screen? -_-

screen -dmS GTA_SA-MP_SERVER ./samp03svr

Pretty simple.

Re: [Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Auxxx - 23.12.2010

The way Lady Cucumber said work to, but I preffer to use:
nohup ./samp03svr &
and to stop server:
killall samp03svr
Notice, that if you use more then one server on your Virtual Server, it will stop all of them.

Re: [Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Mike Garber - 23.12.2010

This is how i do it;
Logging in to the samp user from SSH;

1. screen -dmS SampServ
2. screen -x SampServ
3. Make sure you are in the right directory, then ./samp03svr -c server.conf
4. CTRL+A+D to detach from the screen
5. exit

To get back to the screen, screen -x SampServ
to detach again, CTRL+A+D

Re: [Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - universe - 23.12.2010

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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This is how i do it;
Logging in to the samp user from SSH;

1. screen -dmS SampServ
2. screen -x SampServ
3. Make sure you are in the right directory, then ./samp03svr -c server.conf
4. CTRL+A+D to detach from the screen
5. exit

To get back to the screen, screen -x SampServ
to detach again, CTRL+A+D
Thats not good, the way of Auxx is better

Re: [Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Petertjuhh360 - 23.12.2010

Originally Posted by Auxxx
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The way Lady Cucumber said work to, but I preffer to use:
nohup ./samp03svr &
and to stop server:
killall samp03svr
Notice, that if you use more then one server on your Virtual Server, it will stop all of them.
If i use nohup i get this error:


~/samp03# nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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This is how i do it;
Logging in to the samp user from SSH;

1. screen -dmS SampServ
2. screen -x SampServ
3. Make sure you are in the right directory, then ./samp03svr -c server.conf
4. CTRL+A+D to detach from the screen
5. exit

To get back to the screen, screen -x SampServ
to detach again, CTRL+A+D
That works for me, thanks!

Re: [Ubuntu 10.10] Server stops working after closing PuTTy - Kerlan - 23.06.2012

Originally Posted by Petertjuhh360
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If i use nohup i get this error:
That works for me, thanks!
Thanks guys it actually worked!