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House/Biz Porblem - Printable Version

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House/Biz Porblem - djaCido23 - 22.12.2010

Hi...i installed Sa-Mp 0.3c(RC6) at my gamemod and when i enter in a house/faction/business i can't exit.I type /exit but no effect.How i can solve this?Thanks!

Re: House/Biz Porblem - Elorreli - 22.12.2010

How are we supposed to know without your code? Are we just going to guess what GM you're using and then try to figure out what your problem might be? Did you really expect anyone to be able to do that? THINK before posting.

Re: House/Biz Porblem - [MWR]Blood - 22.12.2010

This has nothing to do with 0.3c.
Also, at least post your code to get help.

Re: House/Biz Porblem - Steven82 - 23.12.2010

This is a problem with your shitty GodFather edit.

Re: House/Biz Porblem - Auxxx - 23.12.2010

Originally Posted by Steven82
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This is a problem with your shitty GodFather edit.
You don't know that, but probably yes.