How to: Roleplay? -
polaris678 - 21.12.2010
I wanna role play like PRO. I wanna do long /me's and /do's. I wanna know More english. Wanna be a Real_Roleplayer
Re: How to: Roleplay? -
BittleRyan - 21.12.2010
I am confused, is this spam. Or am i not understanding something here.
Re: How to: Roleplay? -
Marty_Alex - 21.12.2010
Haha here go on this
Re: How to: Roleplay? -
Zeeman - 23.12.2010
I'm not sure, if this is a joke, or what, but if you really do wanna be a pro RP-ER then check my guide out, i'm not sure if it's a good one, hey talking about it, i'll post it at SA-MP Forums too
anyways here it is...
Re: How to: Roleplay? -
Finn - 23.12.2010
The most important thing when role playing is to have good players to role play with. The second important thing is to have enjoyable server and script to play on.
Also, long /do's and /me's might not always be good RP. One example is the idiots having these long blocks of text in their key binds, now that's stupid.
In RPing, skills come with experience.