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How can i let a player select all skins at spawn - Printable Version

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How can i let a player select all skins at spawn - Noss* - 18.12.2010

Found out after posted :P

public OnGameModeInit()
// People can spawn with either the CJ skin or The Truth skin.
AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0);
AddPlayerClass(1, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0);
return 1;

Re: How can i let a player select all skins at spawn - Noss* - 18.12.2010

Sorry guys don't worry i just found it :P

public OnGameModeInit()
// People can spawn with either the CJ skin or The Truth skin.
AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0);
AddPlayerClass(1, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0);
return 1;

Re: How can i let a player select all skins at spawn - akis_tze - 18.12.2010

Add classes at OnGameModeInit

public OnGameModeInit()
AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return 1;
} Read this