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ReturnNextunused..... - Printable Version

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ReturnNextunused..... - introzen - 18.12.2010

Hello. I've made this:

pawn Код:
stock ReturnNextUnusedBankID()
    new bank[64];
    for(new b=0; b<=MAX_BANKS; b++){
    format(bank, sizeof(bank), "CLRP/Banks/%d", b);
    if(!dini_Exists(bank)) return b; }
    return 1;
But I want it to start at 1000000000 and go upwards. How to?

Re: ReturnNextunused..... - Mauzen - 18.12.2010

Hm, like this?

pawn Код:
for(new b=1000000000; b<=MAX_BANKS + 1000000000; b++){

Re: ReturnNextunused..... - introzen - 18.12.2010

Yes but for some reason, the script always choose Bank ID 1

Re: ReturnNextunused..... - introzen - 19.12.2010


Re: ReturnNextunused..... - introzen - 19.12.2010

bump -.-

Re: ReturnNextunused..... - Joe Staff - 19.12.2010

Why not just add 1000000000 to'b' whenever you use it?

Re: ReturnNextunused..... - introzen - 19.12.2010

Originally Posted by SilentHuntR
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Why not just add 1000000000 to'b' whenever you use it?
Thanks, worked.