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Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - Printable Version

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Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - [Fx]GhOsT - 18.12.2010


Have someone already tried something similar (or atleast scripted a autoaim using sa-mp functions)? A way to detect joypad would be very nice to balance a Gamemode Gameplay.

I tried some check's using some "Camera Position functions", to check if there is a difference between joypad mode on and off, but i got no success.

Have someone a idea on how i could script it?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - [BEP]AcerPilot - 18.12.2010

I think no, but did you search? There is many threads asking the same question and already with a answer.

Re: Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - [Fx]GhOsT - 18.12.2010

Search what? There are no threads about Joypad detection or script....

If there is one gimme a link.

Re: Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - [BEP]AcerPilot - 18.12.2010


Re: Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - [Fx]GhOsT - 18.12.2010

Originally Posted by [BEP]AcerPilot
Посмотреть сообщение
First topic: A guy trying to use a unexistent function.

Second topic: Suggestion for SA-MP to add functions to prevent cbug and autoaim.

Both of topics are outdated.

Wow, totally related to mine, as i want a math method to detect, not something already made in sa-mp.....

Re: Detect Joypad (Using Math's/Camera/Angle or something) - [BEP]AcerPilot - 18.12.2010

The two are related to auto-aim. It's to proof that you can't remove the auto-aim until Kye put some function to do it.

And yes, totally related to yours.