[Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
yvoms - 17.12.2010
above ur script under #include <a_samp>
this will define a path to ur pickup to make it all easyer.
pawn Code:
mypickup = CreatePickup(type, model,x, y, z, viritual world leave at -1; // My pickup
mypickup = CreatePickup(1274, 2, 2291.7900, -1438.1653, 21.3438, -1);
than find "public OnPlayerPickUpPickup"
Put this in there and change it to w/e u want.
pawn Code:
if(pickupid == mypickup) // Check that the pickup ID of the pickup they picked up is mypickup
// It is
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You received $100!"); // Message the player
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100); // Give the player the money
return 1;
model :
spawn type :
How to find the x,y,z :
go in some server or in the samp debugg and go to the place u want to have the pickup.
while there type /save (name) and close it than find ur savedpositions.txt mostly like founded in ur Gta San Andreas User Files in the folder of Sa-Mp
open it and copy the line with has //(urname u put when u /save it ingame)
Example: (0,192.4047,1931.3345,17.6406,89.4637,0,0,0,0,0,0) ; // (urname)
There we go!
Sorry for my bad english but i am dutch i will post a video soon tough ask for help if needed
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
admantis - 18.12.2010
Nice tutorial but this goes in 'Tutorials' section not here
Also you can make the thread look prettier, PAWN tags and fonts, and fix your grammar to make it look better.
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
yvoms - 18.12.2010
Yh easy to be sayd hard to be done
and if a moderator/admin can please move this thread to tutorials would be great thnx
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
rs.pect - 18.12.2010
pawn Code:
mypickup = CreatePickup(type, model,x, y, z, viritual world leave at -1; // My pickup
Should be.
pawn Code:
mypickup = CreatePickup(model,type,x, y, z, viritual world leave at -1; // My pickup
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
olabv - 18.12.2010
good work
very useful
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
Mean - 18.12.2010
This can be found on wiki, and totally wrong section.
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
yvoms - 22.12.2010
ur Mean.
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
yvoms - 09.06.2011
are bumps allowed [yes/no]
Respuesta: Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
admantis - 09.06.2011
Originally Posted by yvoms
are bumps allowed [yes/no]
Bump a 6 month old thread with a useless statement? No.
Re: [Tutorial]how to make pickups[Tutorial] -
yvoms - 02.03.2012
@admantis u sir gently suck cock.
//not flaming or offending,
Just hate it when people respond like that.