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3 errors.. - Printable Version

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3 errors.. - Seven. - 17.12.2010

I am getting these errors..
(31) : error 006: must be assigned to an array
(32) : error 006: must be assigned to an array
(33) : error 006: must be assigned to an array
My 3 lines:
pawn Код:
qidea = dini_Get(str,"questidea");
qtime = dini_Get(str,"questtime");
qtype = dini_Get(str,"questtype");
There all strings..

Re: 3 errors.. - Seven. - 17.12.2010


Re: 3 errors.. - gr56 - 17.12.2010

you must set size of the array, for example
new qidea[50],qtime[50],qtype[50];

Re: 3 errors.. - Seven. - 17.12.2010

oh like that xD thanks