Need to know something -
Lorenc_ - 17.12.2010
Hey guys, I was wondering how could i detect if one person died on the survivor team and make them observe their team mates. if all the team mates are gone, it'll call a function, MapChange(); and let the zombies win.
Might be basic, although been abit inactive and i need to get a recap of this...
Re: Need to know something -
XePloiT - 17.12.2010
you make 2 counter for each team... lets say : new TeamA,TeamB; each time player joins a team you add 1..
... also you add new PlayersA[MAX_PLAYER],PlayersB[MAX_PLAYER];
each player gets by his team 1 or 0 if he on this team 1 if not 0...
every time player dies you check...
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid,killerid,reason)
return // SendClientMessage or W/E , you want to change map in this case
else if(TeamA==0)
return // SendClientMessage or W/E , you want to change map in this case
else TeamB--;
Re: Need to know something -
Lorenc_ - 17.12.2010
yea but how do i select a survivor, example. 3 survivors alive, give a random value to select a survivor to spectate if you know what i mean, if i wanted it your way i could of done it my self but its not really how i want it. Hope you's understand
Re: Need to know something -
Lorenc_ - 17.12.2010
bump -.-
Re: Need to know something -
MestreKiller - 17.12.2010
random with your team vars then
playerspectateplayeer the random one
dont forget make a loop
Re: Need to know something -
Lorenc_ - 18.12.2010
Im sorta unsure how to do it,
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM HUMAN) {
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_HUMAN) { // Unsure on this line
TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);
PlayerSpectatePlayer(playerid, (Im unsure here));// Unsure on this line
^ thats in the onplayerdeath callback to let u know...
Re: Need to know something -
Benjo - 18.12.2010
This is how would go about doing it:
pawn Код:
new bool:flag = false; // this flag will turn true if another person is found
// to be alive on the player's team
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { // loop through all players
if(gTeam[i] == gTeam[playerid]) { // is the current player in the loop on the same team as the player who died?
if(GetPlayerState(i) != PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING) { // is the team-mate still alive?
if(!flag) { // has an alive team-mate been found yet?
TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);
PlayerSpectatePlayer(playerid, i); // spectate the team-mate who is alive!
flag = true; // set flag to true, to indicate there has been an alive team-mate found
if(!flag) { // loop has finished, was an alive team-mate found?
MapChange(); // no alive team-mates found, initiate the MapChange method!
Sorry for the comment spam, I tried to make it clear exactly what is happening! In this solution, I have assumed that the variable gTeam[] holds an integer value that represents the "team ID" that a player is in.
I do have a suggestion regarding the MapChange() method: give it a parameter so that it knows which team has just lost. For example: MapChange(gTeam[playerid]) would tell the MapChange method that this player's team has just lost. If you have already thought of doing this, then just ignore me
Re: Need to know something -
Lorenc_ - 18.12.2010
That might do thanks.