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Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - Printable Version

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Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! :) - Hal - 12.12.2010

I have just noticed that they reduced the 120 second post waiting time, to 60 seconds. I hope this stays (or gets reduced further). I dont think that i am not wrong about this :/ :P

Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - The_Gangstas - 12.12.2010

Woot thanks samp team

rayW is so hawt <3

Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - Grim_ - 12.12.2010

I noticed this a few days ago when I responded in less than two minutes, waiting to get the error, and it never popped up. I thought it was only a bug, but apparently not.


Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - Scenario - 12.12.2010

I noticed it earlier today and I am now enjoying the freedom we had before the 2 minute wait.


Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - Zh3r0 - 12.12.2010

Just a very welcomed thanks!

Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - Hiddos - 12.12.2010

Thanks, even though I did understand the 120 second wait reason. I only really mentioned it in the first weeks of the 'new' forums actually.

Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - WillyP - 12.12.2010

No more 8char

Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - Kidemo - 12.12.2010


Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - SaW - 12.12.2010

Should've even kept the 8char limit!

Re: Thank-you SA-MP Team For Listening to our cries! - DVDK - 12.12.2010

Originally Posted by [FU]Victious
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No more 8char
It isn't gone, it has been devoked to at least 4 characters.
Thanks SA:MP team, we only needed 3 months of spam to get to this.