SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
RetroSpeq - 11.12.2010
Hi I'm new to the SA-MP forums but have been playing SA-MP for over 3 years and SA since it's birth around October 2005.
I recently have had idea's for a review channel where you can find information on the best and worse SA-MP servers.
Soon to be made San Andreas Multiplayer reviews will arrive showing you the in's and out's of the 4000+ online SA-MP servers out there.
Opinions, opinions, opinions… Everyone has their own opinion but when it comes to our reviews we’re going to try keep the opinions as low as possible. We are going to try to use this marking guide as best we can to make sure all reviews are equal and you as the viewer enjoy each review we under go.
The Reviewer can choose between 4 sections to mark from, one outcome must be picked in each section.The Totals from each section will be added up and divided by four to give us the mean total(average). This procedure ensures bias views and opinions are kept at a low.
I haven't started reviewing yet as the channel is still being set up, I'm really hoping this can set off so I'd love some support with things I need to do to make it better. If you would like a server to be reviewed in the future please visit the blog(link below) and click on "What server next?".
You can find the
SA-MP Review ******* channel here and also the
SA-MP Review Blog here.
Join our IRC #SAMP-Review if you need to ask any questions or want to join the Review team!
All credits to Rockstar Games and the SA-MP development team.
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
propilot - 11.12.2010
lmao good luck getting Internet Famous, trust me if you get Internet Famous. You wont be world famous there are big difference.
What ever your trying to do good luck
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
RetroSpeq - 11.12.2010
I'm sorry Mr. I know all. I am trying to provide a service to the SA-MP community which has given me so much for the past 3 years.
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
saiberfun - 11.12.2010
id like it if you were able to write comments and stuff
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
TheGuardianAngel - 11.12.2010
big advertising rat xD
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
Ravia_Devaia - 11.12.2010
So if I am right, you are going to join all the servers on the entire SA-MP and write a review on them?
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
RetroSpeq - 11.12.2010
Originally Posted by Ravia_Devaia
So if I am right, you are going to join all the servers on the entire SA-MP and write a review on them?
Not all servers, heck that would take such a long time. I'm planning to review servers that outshine more than others and ones people want to see reviewed.
Originally Posted by SaW
A project like this was recently started, but err..
To be honest, this one looks a bit more promising, good luck.
Oh really? I should have searched before I posted I guess. Thanks.
Originally Posted by saiberfun
though if it could help I could so some for your idea too
I would love some help but I need a bit more to completely setting it all up so videos can be rolled out ASAP each time a reviewer conducts a review.
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
Hal - 12.12.2010
Originally Posted by RetroSpeq
Not all servers, heck that would take such a long time. I'm planning to review servers that outshine more than others and ones people want to see reviewed.
Oh really? I should have searched before I posted I guess. Thanks.
I would love some help but I need a bit more to completely setting it all up so videos can be rolled out ASAP each time a reviewer conducts a review.
PM me, and I am willing to help review, and edit some videos if you want (not shitty Windows MM, euckk)
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
Jantjuh - 12.12.2010
Originally Posted by RetroSpeq
I'm sorry Mr. I know all. I am trying to provide a service to the SA-MP community which has given me so much for the past 3 years.
sorry but i think he is more experienced then you...
Re: SA-MP Review. Server reviews coming soon! -
RetroSpeq - 12.12.2010
Originally Posted by Jantjuh
sorry but i think he is more experienced then you...
More experienced in what? Post count?