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SetPlayerAttachedObject problem - Printable Version

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SetPlayerAttachedObject problem - nejc001 - 05.12.2010

My script:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
   if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 31) SetPlayerAttachedObject ( playerid,1, 18643, 6, 0.303196, -0.011263, 0.074784,0.000000, 355.239196, 354.891784,0,0,0 );  // object doesnt show in game
if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 38) Kick(playerid); // works fine
    return 1;
Problem is that object doesnt show when Im holding M4a1.
And i dont know what "Scale X, Scale y ,Scale z" is, so i just put it 0.

Re: SetPlayerAttachedObject problem - papedo - 05.12.2010

I had the same problem..
SetPlayerAttachedObject ( playerid,1, 18643, 6, 0.303196, -0.011263, 0.074784,0.000000, 355.239196, 354.891784,1,1,1);
scale must be more than 0..
what is scale?? when scale is 1, object is normal.. when less than 1, object is small and when scale is more than 1 object is bigger..

Re: SetPlayerAttachedObject problem - Zamaroht - 05.12.2010

If you set the scale params to 0, the object will just be invisible. Try setting them to 1.

Re: SetPlayerAttachedObject problem - nejc001 - 05.12.2010

ooh, that's make sense ty