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Suggestions Thread - Diablosrouge - 04.12.2010

Here you can post all your suggestions for 0.3c. This will help to keep this section clean so bug reports can be more visible and this will also help to organize the forum since some players just have one suggestion per topic and vice-versa.


Would be nice to have a toggle for the car blips in the radar. What I mean is, when you leave the car, a small grey blip appears on the radar. This sometimes causes a certain trouble if we are playing Attack and Defend gamemode, and other game modes where stealth and tactic is the key, in which when the player exits the vehicle, the blip appears and therefor the player's last position was revealed.

- CarRadarBlips() 0 to deactivate, 1 to activate. 1 by default.

Re: Suggestions Thread - woot - 04.12.2010

Would be nice to toggle vehicle collisions, especially for a virtual world! (Races, ..)

Re: Suggestions Thread - Scenario - 04.12.2010

I think having such a feature giving us the ability to toggle the vehicle blimps on the radar would be a pretty cool idea - seems like it could help several different types of game modes...

I know it's been mentioned before, but I would also like to see the ability to add "extra clothing" to a players skin. In single player, you can change CJ's look by giving 'em a new torso, pants, shoes, etc... I know it's more effective for role play servers, but it would still be a cook feature to have.

Re: Suggestions Thread - Diablosrouge - 05.12.2010

Thats not possible because a skin is a single "object" while CJ skin is divided in parts: Head, torso, legs, and arms/fists.
When you give him new clothes, a the old CJ part is deleted and replaced by the new one with clothes.
The only thing you could now in 0.3c is sticking an object to the player, but then you'd need to get the clothes' object ID and maybe convert it because the current ones seem to crash.

Re: Suggestions Thread - DRIFT_HUNTER - 05.12.2010

I want GRASS in game!!!
I got hard moded sa and in single player its cool but in samp its sux...

There is no:
-You cant mod sky (timecyc)
-And vehicle.txd :{

Re: Suggestions Thread - Sergei - 05.12.2010

Put sun and shadows back!

Re: Suggestions Thread - Ash. - 05.12.2010

Originally Posted by Sergei
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Put sun and shadows back!
Agreed! - Beat me to posting that

AW: Suggestions Thread - FufLa - 05.12.2010

I would like to see functions such as:

FadePlayerCamera(playerid, true/false, time (ms)) -> Nice effect for e.g. teleport pickups
OnPlayerDamagePlayer(damagerid, targetid, loss, bodypart)
GetCursorXY(playerid, &Float: x, &Float:y) -> so we can most likely make our own dialogs using textdraws?
ShowPlayerCursor(playerid, true/false) -> see GetCursorXY
More Keys detectable or a function like BindPlayerKey(playerid, Key, function)
Function to enable/disable driveby in vehicles
TogglePlayerHUD(playerid, true/false)
GetVehicleColor(vehicleid, &:color1, &color2)
Maybe give us the opportunity to set/detect color3 and color4 too? 
Give us the opportunity to e.g. control vehicle specials (roof on e.g. Super-GT etc) or atleast sync them
RemovePlayerWeapon(playerid, slot/weaponid) -> I know, can be scripted but nvm

Re: Suggestions Thread - Riddick94 - 05.12.2010

That's my suggestions for Sa-Mp 0.3c:

- ToggleDialogSpawn(true/false); - in OnGameModeInit to hide dialog spawn all players.
- SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, ...); - Let this use in vehicle because it really help to Drive By by Driver.
- Skills - Motorcycles, bikes, cars, boats, helicopters, planes
- Make an longer health bar - (Like skill.. SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, HEALTH_BAR, %d)
- Delete all map icons (without north).
- ToggleHeadMovements(true/false); -
(Toggle this in OnGameModeInit on false and any player can't move head; command /headmove will stop working.)
- Keys - what about a keys? maybe a new function what getting pressed key? if(newkeys == 'R'). At the momment these keys what we have at Sa-Mp is really bad.
- Dialog Move - Just moving dialog by cursor.
- Objects: French Key, Taxi Siren on the roof, Silencer for attach to weapons.

Re: Suggestions Thread - Think - 05.12.2010

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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- ToggleDialogSpawn(true/false); - in OnGameModeInit to hide dialog spawn all players.
Use SpawnPlayer(); at OnPlayerRequestClass

Re: Suggestions Thread - WillyP - 05.12.2010

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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That's my suggestions for Sa-Mp 0.3c:

- ToggleDialogSpawn(true/false); - in OnGameModeInit to hide dialog spawn all players.
- SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, ...); - Let this use in vehicle because it really help to Drive By by Driver.
- Skills - Motorcycles, bikes, cars, boats, helicopters, planes
- Make an longer health bar - (Like skill.. SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, HEALTH_BAR, %d)
- Delete all map icons (without north).
- ToggleHeadMovements(true/false); -
(Toggle this in OnGameModeInit on false and any player can't move head; command /headmove will stop working.)
- Keys - what about a keys? maybe a new function what getting pressed key? if(newkeys == 'R'). At the momment these keys what we have at Sa-Mp is really bad.
- Dialog Move - Just moving dialog by cursor.
- Objects: French Key, Taxi Siren on the roof, Silencer for attach to weapons.
Um.. half of that has already been suggested; and some of that on your list is already a function.

Re: Suggestions Thread - pantelimonfl - 05.12.2010

GetVehicleLicensePlate.. would be great.

Re: Suggestions Thread - Scottas - 05.12.2010

Feature with custom models is cool, but its not comfortable. I think each server should have its own mod pack, and player decide to download it or not, because now, when there is only one 'samp.img' for everything it gets very messy. A function like "IMGFileForServer ( "myserver.img" );" would show which img file is required for that server, so players simply download it from website, or not .

Re: Suggestions Thread - QuaTTrO - 05.12.2010

Here are my sugesstion: