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Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Printable Version

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Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Tyler_Idy - 02.12.2010

When I do /buyhouse, it doesnt load the money and subtract it from the player. Its saved correctly before you ask. I know that for sure. But take a look if you think you can help.

    new pName[24], PlayerFile[50],HouseFile[50],owner[24],renter[24],housetext[250];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
	format(PlayerFile, sizeof(PlayerFile), "/LVRP/users/%s.ini", pName);
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Money] = dini_Int(PlayerFile,"Money");
	new houseid = GetHouseID(playerid);

	if(houseid == -255) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You are not at a house!");
	if(dini_Int(PlayerFile,"House") != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You already own a house!");
	    if(dini_Int(PlayerFile,"Money") >= dini_Int(HouseFile,"HPrice"))
	        format(housetext,sizeof(housetext),"Owner: %s || Renter: %s\nPrice: $%d || Rent: $%d\nHouseID: %d",pName,renter,HouseInfo[houseid][HPrice],HouseInfo[houseid][Rent],houseid);
	    	HouseText[houseid] = Create3DTextLabel(housetext,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,dini_Float(HouseFile,"OutX"),dini_Float(HouseFile,"OutY"),dini_Float(HouseFile,"OutZ"),30.0,0,1);
		else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"NOT ENOUGH MONEY!");
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"THIS HOUSE IS ALREADY OWNED!");
	return 1;
	#pragma unused params

Re: Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Jochemd - 02.12.2010

Well I think it's just cause you haven't used GivePlayerMoney... You only write it.

Re: Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Tyler_Idy - 03.12.2010

Well its not needed. when you do /stats it says the same amount, plus. I have a timer that sets the players money back to what its supposed to. To stop confusion from time to time.

Re: Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Tyler_Idy - 03.12.2010


Re: Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Ash. - 03.12.2010

pawn Код:
- All you're doing here, is saving the money to file, you arent actually doing the "GivePlayerMoney" etc part...

Try this (under the line above)
pawn Код:
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -dini_Int(HouseFile, "HPrice"));

Re: Problem with /buyhouse | Dcmd - Tyler_Idy - 04.12.2010

The dumb thing is though. Its not saving the money to the file.... I dont know why. Did I do something wrong?