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sscanf Error - Printable Version

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sscanf Error - HotRod - 01.12.2010

Sup, i'm trying to add too an old script that i'm using just too learn scripting abit more.

I get an error "C:\Users\Lewis\Desktop\OldGM\gamemodes\OldGM.pwn( 36743) : error 021: symbol already defined: "sscanf"" When compiling.

stock sscanf(string[], format[], {Float,_}:...)  // The line before the error line
    {   // Line 36743
.. Any solutions?


~ Hotrod

Re: sscanf Error - blackwave - 01.12.2010

The #include <sscanf> might be already defined, or then, you're defined this stock. Mostly probably it be defined already on the include

Re: sscanf Error - HotRod - 01.12.2010

Thanks, i renamed it instead.