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Making bank interest code. - Printable Version

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Making bank interest code. - Danny - 01.12.2010


Does anyone know what's wrong with this piece of code? It gives the players wrong amounts of money (too much or negative amounts)

public Paycheck() {
	new pstring[128];
	for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
		if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_CIVILIAN) {
		    GetPlayerName(i, iname, sizeof(iname));
			pInfo[i][bankmoney] = dini_Int(iname,"bankmoney");
 			SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW,"=============|PAYCHECK|=================");
			SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN,"Workless money: $500");
			GivePlayerMoney(i, 500);
			SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN,"Extra money due playtime: $500");
			GivePlayerMoney(i, 500);
			format(str, sizeof str,"Bank Interest: 2 percent ($%d + $%d)",pInfo[i][bankmoney],(pInfo[i][bankmoney]/100)*2);
			SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, str);
			format(pstring, sizeof pstring,"Incoming Tax: -$%d",INCOMINGTAX);
			SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_RED, pstring);
			GivePlayerMoney(i, -INCOMINGTAX);
			SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW,"=========================================");
If someone can help me, please respond

Re: Making bank interest code. - Haegon - 01.12.2010

Are you wanting it to calculate the money before or after the bonuses?

Re: Making bank interest code. - leong124 - 01.12.2010

Do you want to set the latest amount of money of that player?
If yes, why not
dini_IntSet((iname),"bankmoney",pInfo[i][bankmoney] + (pInfo[i][bankmoney]/100)*2);

Re: Making bank interest code. - Danny - 01.12.2010

@Haegon: After.
@Leon124: Damn, that was a dumb mistake, thanks. I'll let you know if its working or not.

EDIT: Working! Thanks