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[FilterScript] Simple Random Patent - Printable Version

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-.- - Cacoby - 30.11.2010

deleted -.-

AW: Simple Random Patent - Meta - 30.11.2010

... and what does it do?

Re: Simple Random Patent - Scenario - 30.11.2010

Can you say; Epic Fail?

Re: Simple Random Patent - Grim_ - 30.11.2010

After looking at the code, it creates a few vehicles and then sets their license plates to random numbers.

Not only is this code terrible, but it won't even work. You forgot to re-spawn the vehicle after setting it's plates.

Re: Simple Random Patent - 6d - 30.11.2010

Sir, I have some suggestions that will help you on your next releases:

1. ALWAYS test your code:
Code that is not tested and doesn't work brings bad comments and brings bad reputation.

2. Document your topics well:
Saying "putting lyrics patents random randomness and random numbers" won't help, instead decorate your post, make it neat, document it well. etc.

3. Check your spelling & grammar!!!:
Please i couldn't understand you

4. Publish several mirrors:
Including pastebin!

Hope i helped.

Matthew "6d" Larrabure

Re: Simple Random Patent - Ruffles. - 01.12.2010

You owe me 30 seconds of my life.

10 seconds to read your post.
20 seconds to write this.

Firstly, what does it do?

Re: Simple Random Patent - Kitten - 01.12.2010

Not to be mean or anything WTF is this does this just spawn cars? lol. anyways good job i guess

Re: Simple Random Patent - The_Moddler - 01.12.2010

You want a random plate?

Use this:

pawn Код:
stock RandPlate()
    new i, Result[24], Letter[2], Number[2];
    while(i < 4)
            case 0: Letter = "A";
            case 1: Letter = "B";
            case 2: Letter = "C";
            case 4: Letter = "D";
            case 5: Letter = "E";
            case 6: Letter = "F";
            case 7: Letter = "G";
            case 8: Letter = "H";
            case 9: Letter = "I";
            case 10: Letter = "J";
            case 11: Letter = "K";
            case 12: Letter = "L";
            case 13: Letter = "M";
            case 14: Letter = "N";
            case 15: Letter = "O";
            case 16: Letter = "P";
            case 17: Letter = "Q";
            case 18: Letter = "R";
            case 19: Letter = "S";
            case 20: Letter = "T";
            case 21: Letter = "U";
            case 22: Letter = "V";
            case 23: Letter = "W";
            case 24: Letter = "X";
            case 25: Letter = "Y";
            case 26: Letter = "Z";
        strcat(Result, Letter);
            case 0: Number = "0";
            case 1: Number = "1";
            case 2: Number = "2";
            case 4: Number = "3";
            case 5: Number = "4";
            case 6: Number = "5";
            case 7: Number = "6";
            case 8: Number = "7";
            case 9: Number = "8";
            case 10: Number = "9";
        strcat(Result, Number);
    return Result;

Re: Simple Random Patent - Aleks10 - 01.12.2010

oh lol ))
stock RandPlate()
    new result[10];
    for(new i=0;i<4;i++) {
        result[i] = random(24)+65;
        result[i+1] = random(9)+48;
    return result;

Re: Simple Random Patent - Jochemd - 01.12.2010

Also, the loop is starting with 0

pawn Код:
for(new i=1; i<MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
It should start with 0 >.< xD