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Crash Bug when multiple screens activated. - Printable Version

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Crash Bug when multiple screens activated. - Mujib - 27.11.2010

When a streamed vehicle gets damaged, flips or explodes you will crash if you have multiple screens activated, I've tested this on several computers.

The message you'll get is
Exception At Address: 0x0040F64C
It would be nice if someone else could confirm this bug.\

Kind Regards,


Re: Crash Bug when multiple screens activated. - GaGlets(R) - 27.11.2010

Not for me, be shure you test that on multiple servers... Probably there is something wrong at callback `OnVehicleDammageUpdateStatus`

Re: Crash Bug when multiple screens activated. - Mujib - 27.11.2010

Originally Posted by GaGlets®
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Not for me, be shure you test that on multiple servers... Probably there is something wrong at callback `OnVehicleDammageUpdateStatus`
I've tested it in a clean script, no extra functions. Just spawn.

Re: Crash Bug when multiple screens activated. - GaGlets(R) - 27.11.2010

BRb.. I confirm this bug, got it how to crash myself..