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Error Code 19. Windows VPS - Printable Version

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Error Code 19. Windows VPS - iiLiamii - 26.11.2010

I have 2 different scripted Free roam servers, And I have just purchased a 32Bit. Windows 2k3 VPS. When I uploaded my servers earlier Im getting an error code which is error code 19, And it is saying that the file larp.amx Can not be accessed or something. I have noticed that people have listed the same thing, But they have not found a conclusion. I do hope someone can help

Re: Error Code 19. Windows VPS - Ash. - 26.11.2010

Unset your script to read-only - my first thought.

Re: Error Code 19. Windows VPS - iiLiamii - 26.11.2010

Originally Posted by funky1234
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Unset your script to read-only - my first thought.
Okay how do I do this?

Re: Error Code 19. Windows VPS - Cameltoe - 26.11.2010

Originally Posted by iiLiamii
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Okay how do I do this?
I would suggest you to use Linux vps, its cheaper and better.

Re: Error Code 19. Windows VPS - Scenario - 26.11.2010

Originally Posted by iiLiamii
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Okay how do I do this?
Why don't you ****** search it?

Originally Posted by Cameltoe
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I would suggest you to use Linux vps, its cheaper and better.
This is true, Linux is best for hosting game/voice and web servers.

Re: Error Code 19. Windows VPS - samiras - 27.11.2010

Originally Posted by Cameltoe
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I would suggest you to use Linux vps, its cheaper and better.
Who asked you about OS ?

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Why don't you ****** search it?
Because he don't know what to ******.
Why when you can't help, don't gtfo ?

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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This is true, Linux is best for hosting game/voice and web servers.
Same, no-one asked you which OS is better.

Now the answer :
You must have the main function in your script.
If you need any plugins, download those in your plugins folder.

Respuesta: Error Code 19. Windows VPS - xenowort - 27.11.2010

You instalated Net Framework?, if you use a plugin.