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[Map] Harbor (my first map release) - Printable Version

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Harbor (my first map release) - shadowdog - 26.11.2010

This is my first map release! be nice

I've created a harbor map which might be useful for deatmatch and roleplay servers.


building time: 2.5 hours

West from Jizzy's club

Teleport Location:
-4269, 1750, 12

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CreateObject(5409, -4456.7661132813, 1717.7889404297, 14.98203086853, 0, 0, 0);

Re: Harbor (my first map release) - shadowdog - 26.11.2010

i locate them far away from sa so theres no possibility it can be in the same place as another map.
its might be useful for roleplay for drug dealing, cargoshipment or any other stuff.

Re: Harbor (my first map release) - shadowdog - 26.11.2010

added the location and teleport location