new DB:top_players;
public OnGameModeInit()
top_players = db_open("stats.db");//here top_players now equals the database 'stats.db', if this doesn't exist it'll be created in your scriptfiles folder
public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;
public OnGameModeInit()
top_players = db_open("stats.db");
db_free_result(db_query(top_players,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Name`,`stat`)"));//query the database and free the result
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Name`,`stat`,`stat2`,`stat3`,`stat4`)"
new table:users;
}//this is made up code and will not work, it's just so you can understand how sqlite works
public savedata(playerid)
new tname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid,tname,sizeof(tname));//gets the player's name
new query[256];
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT `Name` FROM `Users` WHERE `Name`=lower('%s') LIMIT 1",tname);
/*ok first query is asking to select a from the `Name` column from the table `Users`
and the rule we're saying is only select the name that matches the players name
I limited it to 1 so it won't keep looking for more matches after it's found one, you'll notice that I used "lower('%s')"
what this does is prevents the user from joining with a capitalized alternative of their name and having the database add that one as well.*/
new DBResult:qresult;//new database result variable, they have their own var type too.
qresult = db_query(top_players,query);//the result equals the query we sent off.
if(db_num_rows(qresult) == 1)//if it's found a match that means the user is in the database so we'll be updating their stat and not creating a new one.
format(query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE `Users` SET `stat`='%d' WHERE (`Name` = lower('%s'))",GetPVarInt(playerid,"stat"),tname);
/*update will get the player's row and update variables in that row
"UPDATE `Users` SET `stat`='%d' WHERE (`Name` = lower('%s'))"
update the table `Users`, set the variable `stat` on the same row as the players name.*/
db_free_result(db_query(top_players,query));//query the database and free the query result after it
else if(db_num_rows(qresult) == 0)//if it hasn't found a match it'll return 0 here
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `Users` (`Name`,`stat`) VALUES(lower('%s'),%d)",tname,GetPVarInt(playerid,"stat"));
/*Insert a new row into the table `Users`, in the columns `Name` add their name in lowercase, in the `stat` column add their stat*/
new query[256],string[128],string2[128];
new DBResult:qresult;
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT Level FROM `users` WHERE Username = '%s'", PlayerName[playerid]);
//here it says select from the column level from the table `users` and the row is the same row as the player's name row
qresult = db_query(USERDB,query);
if(db_num_rows(qresult) == 1)//checks if there's a match on the player's name row.
db_get_field(qresult,0,string,128);//gets the result of the query as a string.
format(string2,sizeof(string2),"Your admin level is: %s",string);
db_free_result(qresult);//frees the result
return 1;
new string[128], query[256];
SendClientMessage(playerid,GREEN,"Top X Y'ers");
new string2[128];
new DBResult:result;
new DBResult:result2;
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT `Name` FROM `Users` ORDER BY (`stat` * 1) DESC limit 3");
/*Select from the `Name` column in the table `Users`, and order them by stat on a descreasing list limited to the top 3
I had ('stat` *1) because without it it'll look at it as if it's a string, timing it by 1 will turn it into a number.*/
result = db_query(top_players,query);
for(new a;a<db_num_rows(result);a++)//what we have now is 10 rows in the database result, so we'll do a loop to show each one on a new line.
db_get_field(result,0,string,128);//get the result of the database and format it into a string
//at the moment this will return the first row, we need to switch it using a function.
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT `stat` FROM `Users` WHERE `Name` = lower('%s')",string);
/*this result2 will get the data from the stat column from the row that matches the first row of the "result" variable
"result" is already in order from 1-10, "result" will be reading the 1st row at the moment or the player with the highest stat*/
result2 = db_query(top_players,query);
db_get_field(result2,0,string2,128);//get the `stat` column from the row of the first player.
format(string,sizeof(string),"%d. %s Stat: %s",a+1,string,string2);//it's a+1 because the result starts at 0, this will display as "1. Name Stat: X".
db_next_row(result);//this function changes to the next row down, then when it goes into the next loop cycle it'll get the second top player and so forth.
db_free_result(result2);//remember to free any results you don't need anymore
return 1;
new DB:top_players;
Thanks for that Very well weiten and explaned
Just fix few mystics in new DB:top_players add the ; so it will be Код:
new DB:top_players; |
public OnGameModeInit()
top_players = db_open("stats.db");
new query[256];//create a string (I'm not sure if it has to be this big every mysql tutorial I saw had 256 strings
format(query,sizeof(query),"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Name`,`stat`)");//format the string
db_free_result(db_query(top_players,query));//query the database and free the result
public OnGameModeInit()
top_players = db_open("stats.db");
db_free_result(db_query(top_players, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Name`,`stat`)"));//query the database and free the result
public OnGameModeInit() { top_players = db_open("stats.db"); db_free_result(db_query(top_players,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Name`,`stat`)"));//query the database and free the result } |
db_query(top_players,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Name`,`stat`)");//query the database and free the result |