How to make a top 3 ranking ? -
Emirt - 22.11.2010
Hey !
I want to do the ranking for the points, so If i type /top3 the top3 players will came up with there scores. I mean not the top 3 at
the moment but at all.
I have done a dudb file thats saves in one flie playes "Name = points" but how to use it ?
Mabye there is a script for it that I can't found ?
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
FreshDoubleX - 22.11.2010
Use dini or dudb to save & load ( There's more ways to save - not only dini or dudb ) . And I also suggest you to learn mysql, it's much easier to use, save, and load things from database.
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Emirt - 23.11.2010
I see that you dind't undesrend me.
Lets say that I made something like that:
I create a Kills.cfg:
Here I load kills
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
Kills[playerid] = dini_Int("Kills.cfg", Pname);
return 1;
Here kills are added
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
return 1;
And here I save them:
OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
dini_IntSet("Kills.cfg", Pname, Kills[playerid]);
and format shown in
1 flie kills.cfg will be:
Now porblem is I want to make a ranking, that it will read from it (kills.cfg) and put it in order form the greatest do smallest so if I type /top3 I will see top 3 players with bigest ammount of kills
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Zh3r0 - 23.11.2010
You can do the following:
1. Create a file in a different directory.
2. Create a variable.
3. In that file, set the name and the kill the player has.
Ex: Matthias = 147
Jhonny = 478
4. Then you do a loop and check the kills a player has, checking the highest and the lowest.
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Emirt - 23.11.2010
Originally Posted by Zh3r0
You can do the following:
1. Create a file in a different directory.
2. Create a variable.
3. In that file, set the name and the kill the player has.
Ex: Matthias = 147
Jhonny = 478
Isn't what I've just done ? (Post: #3 - My secend post)
4. Then you do a loop and check the kills a player has, checking the highest and the lowest.
Thats what I
can't do :P
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Emirt - 23.11.2010
Originally Posted by Hoborific
Mysql would be such an efficient way to do this. (no offense, dini's fine but'd be slower and much more of a mess.)
Lest stick to that, that I can't use Mysql on my sevrer :P
Any code woudl be nice
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Emirt - 23.11.2010
Any chance for quick help ?
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Steven82 - 23.11.2010
You could easily do this by using the Score points on the tab menu, and then when doing the cmd /top3, you use GetPlayerScore and then yea. I can't explain it that well.
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
cessil - 24.11.2010
hope this helps
Re: How to make a ranking ? -
Emirt - 24.11.2010
It did Thanks alote !