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MYSQL Table deleting problem - Printable Version

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MYSQL Table deleting problem - siiml - 22.11.2010


I have a problem with my Car system. I wan't to delete table when player write "/sellcar". It is important because car system spawns new cars after RR to the spawnpoint where player bought a car.

Here's code:

public ConvertToSQLDeleteCar(SQLID, vehid)
	#define CAR vehicles[vehid]
	new query[MAX_QUERY];

    format(query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM `absoluterp`.`vehicles` WHERE `vehicles`.`vSQLID` = %i LIMIT 1", SQLID);

	#undef CAR
	return 1;
(Problem: This code don't delete a car table from MYSQL.. but i need it.)

Sorry about my english



Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - XePloiT - 22.11.2010

change the %i to %d

Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - siiml - 22.11.2010

umn.. not work..

Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - siiml - 22.11.2010

Topeltposti -||- Any ideas?

Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - TheXIII - 22.11.2010

pawn Код:
public SQLDeleteCar(vehicleid)
    new query[MAX_QUERY];

    format(query, sizeof(query), "DELETE * FROM vehicles WHERE vSQLID = %i LIMIT 1", vehicles[vehicleid][vSQLID]);

    return 1;

Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - Auxxx - 22.11.2010

Why the fuck would you need to delete the cars from database anyway?

MySQL is highly advanced Structured Query Language that can store a huge ammount of data. Max players you probably get to your server is around 30 to 50 players per day and I seriously dont see a point for deleting their cars on /sell command?

Greetings from Estonia, Auxxx.
Tervitustega Eestist Siim, Auxxx.

EDIT: No need for double posts, there's a "Edit" button, as you can see

Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - siiml - 23.11.2010

OK, i will try something else, but thanks XIII.

Re: MYSQL Table deleting problem - thiaZ_ - 23.11.2010


pawn Код:
mysql_query( "TRUNCATE TABLE sometable" );

//Oh, nevermind I thought you wanted to delete the whole table.