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Some questions(im a newbie) - Printable Version

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Some questions(im a newbie) - Snipa - 21.11.2010

Yeah i am a newbie, but i have some questions.
1) I keep seeing this "apache" folder. What is it used for? Do i use it to make a website?
2)How do i use an FTP client (Filezilla) so i can connect to a server and upload my files onto like a file manager.
3)How do i use PHP.

Ive searched everything(and tried ******) but still havent found how to use it for specifically for SA:MP

Re: Some questions(im a newbie) - ChristopherM - 21.11.2010

1) Apache is a HTTP server.
2) You need to ensure the remote machine is running a FTP server and connect to that.
3) PHP is a Hypertext Pre-Processor. Its a scripting language so there isn't a specific way to use it.

Re: Some questions(im a newbie) - Snipa - 22.11.2010

Uhh thanks