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OnPlayerPickupPickup doesn't display gametext when picking it up. - Printable Version

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OnPlayerPickupPickup doesn't display gametext when picking it up. - Haydz - 18.11.2010

Ok, i'v got this code but when you enter the pickup it doesn't display the gametext of the owners/price/sell price etc,

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid,pickupid)
  for(new C; C<BusinessCount+1; C++)
    if(pickupid == BusinessPickup[C])
      new str[150];
      if(BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner] == -1) format(str, sizeof(str), "%s ~n~~r~Cost price: $%d ~b~Sale price: $%d ~n~ ~g~Earn ammount: $%d", BusinessInfo[C][BusName], BusinessInfo[C][BusCost], BusinessInfo[C][BusSell], BusinessInfo[C][BusEarn]);
      if(BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner] != -1)
        new Pname[24];
        GetPlayerName(BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner], Pname, 24);
        format(str, sizeof(str), "%s ~n~~r~Cost price: $%d ~b~Sale price: $%d ~n~ ~g~Earn ammount: $%d~n~~w~Owner: %s(%d)", BusinessInfo[C][BusName], BusinessInfo[C][BusCost], BusinessInfo[C][BusSell], BusinessInfo[C][BusEarn], Pname, BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner]);
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 3000, 3);
  return 1;
thanks for all help.

Re: OnPlayerPickupPickup doesn't display gametext when picking it up. - Lorenc_ - 18.11.2010

Show the code where you created the pickup, eg Addstaticpickup....