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if score is higher / lower then help - Printable Version

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if score is higher / lower then help - DaneAMattie - 15.11.2010

Hello i want something that if the score is betweet 34 and 45 that it does something i know i can use this:

if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) > 34)

but how can i also make it say if its < 45 in that same if statement?

Re: if score is higher / lower then help - blackwave - 15.11.2010

if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) > 34 && GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 45)

Re: if score is higher / lower then help - DaneAMattie - 15.11.2010

Originally Posted by blackwave
Посмотреть сообщение
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) > 34 && GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 45)
Thanks, i think it worked