Amount of time in a vehicle.. - [L3th4l] - 13.11.2010
Hi, I was wondering how can a 'Amount of time in a vehicle be used'? When a player enters a vehicle, it starts of a count, When he gets off, it checks the amount of time the player was in the vehicle in seconds!
It then takes money away!
Ok, straight to the point: I want something like that ^ BUT using GetTickCount ( if possible )
Straight to the point comments only, all those side 1s, don't even bother!
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
GaGlets(R) - 13.11.2010
i dont suggest you to use GetTickCount because if your server will run 24 days without restart or smth then it will fu** your server up.
Use a repeated timer for a player.
pawn Код:
forward Function(playerid);
public Function(playerid)
//messages and other stuff
Oops use Callback OnPlayerStateChange.
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. - [L3th4l] - 14.11.2010
Originally Posted by GaGlets®
i dont suggest you to use GetTickCount because if your server will run 24 days without restart or smth then it will fu** your server up.
Use a repeated timer for a player.
pawn Код:
OnPlayerEnterVehicle If(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid,yourcarids)) SetTimerEx("Fuction",1000,1,"i",playerid);
forward Function(playerid); public Function(playerid) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-yourcash); //messages and other stuff }
Yes, I had something like this, but I 'Heard' GetTickCount would be a better option. But anyways, I'll stick to this for now!
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
The_Gangstas - 14.11.2010
settimerex 1 second,
understand S
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
GaGlets(R) - 14.11.2010
Originally Posted by The_Gangstas
settimerex 1 second,
understand S
Your option is totally wrong think real. You can supernaturally bug money with this, for example, with taxi job.
--Everytime you should check if player have enough money etc.
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
The_Gangstas - 14.11.2010
exactly..? it was actually better than yours..?
heres peice of my code..
pawn Код:
public ThreeSecondTimer()
if(PlayerInfo[i][DriverDuty] == 1)
new vehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(j) && GetPlayerVehicleID(j) == vehicle && GetPlayerState(j) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
if(SafeGetPlayerMoney(j) >= PlayerInfo[i][DriverFare])
PlayerInfo[j][Money] -= PlayerInfo[i][DriverFare];
PlayerInfo[i][Money] += PlayerInfo[i][DriverFare];
new tstr[50];
else if(SafeGetPlayerMoney(j) < PlayerInfo[i][DriverFare])
SendClientMessage(j,COLOR_RED,"Ejected: You've Been Ejected From The Driver's Vehicle For Not Being Able To Afford His Fare!");
new str[95];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Ejected:%s(%d) Could Not Afford Your Fare, He Has Been Ejected!");
return 1;
look at this as soon has a person enters a drivers car, it starts, instead of a command.
pawn Код:
new driverid = GetVehDriverID(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
if(driverid != -1)
if(PlayerInfo[driverid][DriverDuty] == 1)
new str[128];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Public: You Entered %s(%d)'s Taxi, You Will Be Charged $%d Per 3 Seconds!",Playername(driverid),driverid,PlayerInfo[driverid][DriverFare]);
format(str,sizeof(str),"%s(%d) Has Entered Your Vehicle. Will Be Charged $%d Per 3 Seconds",Playername(playerid),playerid,PlayerInfo[driverid][DriverFare]);
and when they exit. it automatically stops. L
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
GaGlets(R) - 14.11.2010
G... and what you mean by that?
I just wrote that youre first example was totaly wrong.
And that crap a bit upper is damned copy of goadfather/edit.
I see your damned GM have anticheat which is piece of shit or even its a freaking renamed function and that eats your fa***** GMode memory.
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
The_Gangstas - 14.11.2010
how the hell is that godfather copied? i don't even run a role-play game-mode?
what anti-cheat? theres no anti-cheat in there. get out idiot.
oh u mean safegetplayermoney?
pawn Код:
public SafeGetPlayerMoney(playerid)
return PlayerInfo[playerid][Money];
?? wtf is wrong with u? i corrected u, I'm right your wrong. chill out.
my first example was not wrong. you just didn't understand
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
GaGlets(R) - 14.11.2010
Yes maybe now i dont understand you because you are using snipplets or how to call that `u` try to learn how to write man.
Dont add visitor messages on my profile only because you are so envious. Yes i am better than you yes and i can proove it, yes we an make script duels - who will make better script with theme. Just keep you fingers away from keybroad. And yes as i wrote, an useful function which eats memory.
Re: Amount of time in a vehicle.. -
The_Gangstas - 14.11.2010
english comes first kid.
i made all that.. L. im done. idiot im not gonna start a flame war. gtfo, you fail.
you used onplayerentervehicle first L then u saw me right onplayerstatechange then u edited urs. kid gtfo