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Please help - Dannu13 - 13.11.2010

how i can make pawn file for this code

CreateObject(1228, -1030.3977050781, 2716.9748535156, 45.436752319336, 0, 0, 346);
CreateObject(1228, -1030.7520751953, 2714.7924804688, 45.436752319336, 0, 0, 341.99792480469);
CreateObject(1228, -1031.7611083984, 2713.0432128906, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 319.99340820313);
CreateObject(1228, -1034.0134277344, 2711.7250976563, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 289.99328613281);
CreateObject(1228, -1037.1778564453, 2710.8488769531, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 279.98962402344);
CreateObject(1228, -1039.7485351563, 2710.4787597656, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 275.98657226563);
CreateObject(1228, -1041.8988037109, 2710.3544921875, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 275.98205566406);
CreateObject(1228, -1044.2933349609, 2710.208984375, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 275.98205566406);
CreateObject(1228, -1046.6661376953, 2709.8474121094, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 275.98205566406);
CreateObject(3567, -1040.3989257813, 2714.5881347656, 45.894371032715, 0, 0, 9;
CreateObject(2062, -1035.642578125, 2712.9445800781, 45.435821533203, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(930, -1043.9411621094, 2711.8881835938, 45.343063354492, 85, 0, 335);
CreateObject(3630, -1036.4392089844, 2715.2614746094, 48.269535064697, 0, 0, ;
CreateObject(930, -1042.5799560547, 2712.6704101563, 47.252788543701, 84.995727539063, 0, 334.9951171875);
CreateObject(3633, -1045.8212890625, 2712.0131835938, 45.611358642578, 100, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1228, -1048.9234619141, 2709.5119628906, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 287.98205566406);
CreateObject(1228, -1050.8188476563, 2708.8215332031, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 287.97912597656);
CreateObject(1228, -1053.3795166016, 2708.2770996094, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 279.97912597656);
CreateObject(1228, -1055.4317626953, 2707.9020996094, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 275.9755859375);
CreateObject(1228, -1057.2950439453, 2707.7795410156, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 265.97106933594);
CreateObject(1228, -1059.3151855469, 2708.5554199219, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 251.96801757813);
CreateObject(1228, -1060.8588867188, 2709.982421875, 45.288314819336, 0, 0, 217.96594238281);
CreateObject(1228, -1062.0805664063, 2711.7797851563, 45.436752319336, 0, 0, 209.96325683594);
CreateObject(1228, -1062.8824462891, 2713.4240722656, 45.436752319336, 0, 0, 209.9597167968;
CreateObject(930, -1047.388671875, 2711.8557128906, 45.343063354492, 84.995727539063, 0, 334.9951171875);
CreateObject(930, -1040.9051513672, 2711.9865722656, 45.343063354492, 84.995727539063, 0, 334.9951171875);
CreateObject(2062, -1048.7628173828, 2709.6984863281, 46.176856994629, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1423, -1085.3253173828, 2696.7634277344, 45.578125, 0, 0, 27;
CreateObject(1423, -1010.0445556641, 2715.8571777344, 45.578125, 0, 0, 277.998046875);
CreateObject(1215, -1054.5526123047, 2713.2702636719, 45.579948425293, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1215, -1047.7039794922, 2709.6403808594, 45.431510925293, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1238, -1033.5047607422, 2713.5590820313, 45.185367584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1238, -1035.7622070313, 2711.841796875, 45.185367584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1946, -1052.11328125, 2711.3286132813, 45.07299041748, 0, 0, 0);

Re: Please help - gr56 - 13.11.2010

Open Pawno click File>New then paste it to OnGameModeInit(), save and compile

Re: Please help - Dannu13 - 13.11.2010

Originally Posted by gr56
Посмотреть сообщение
Open Pawno click File>New then paste it to OnGameModeInit(), save and compile
i have 26 errors

Re: Please help - rs.pect - 13.11.2010

New.pwn is very stupid example. Especially for beginners.

Open new project and write this:
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>

public OnFilterScriptInit() //or OnGameModeInit
    //copy these objects here
    return 1;

Re: Please help - Dannu13 - 13.11.2010