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Server does'nt record any changes - Urgent - Printable Version

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Server does'nt record any changes - Urgent - jackjamil - 12.11.2010

Hi there,

I have a community of SAMP Roleplay in Portugal and recently we have exprienced some problems...

A hacker entered in our server (based in CRP) and did some messed up things... He changed the factions positions, car spawns positionsm etc.

Immediatly we closed the server and our team has fixed all..

After this on our VPS (based on Windows 2008 RC2) I closed the SAMP-SERVER.exe and re-opened it.

When we went on game to test everything it was all gone.

Cars, factions, biz, houses, etc.

We fixed all again and restarted.

Guess what?

We had nothing again....

Our progammer said that maybe the problem it's from the VPS machine but I dont know...

So if anyone could help or have guess of what can it be, please tell me.

Thanks in advance.